About Us

At Boone County Senior Services, Inc. of Indiana, we want seniors to lead meaningful, healthy lives.

The mission of BCSSI is to promote independence and provide enriching opportunities for older adults in Boone County.

In 1978, Margaret (Margot) A. Corson saw a need to help older adults in Boone County. With a start up grant from Central Indiana Council on Aging (now CICOA–Aging & In-Home Solutions) she rented the 2 front rooms of a small blue house which was a realty company at 403 1/2 N Lebanon Street, Lebanon. Using a card table, chair, and phone she formed a Board of Directors, did the paperwork to be a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit and began searching for ways in which Boone County Senior Services, Inc. could assist the elderly.

The first program was Transportation. Mildred Shanklin came in to see Margot and offered to take the “ladies to the wash house.” That year 125 trips were given.

The Friendly Visitor program followed. Then a Social Worker was hired to assess needs and assign helpers. The BCSSI Social Workers eventually became Care Managers for CICOA to work in the entire Area 8 Central Indiana area.

A Receptionist was hired, Senior Sounds began publication, and space was rented from the Senior Citizens Club at 707 S. Lebanon Street to provide a noon meal through CICOA and activities. When CICOA discontinued the noon meal at the site, BCSSI no longer rented the facility. However, the Lebanon Senior Citizens Club still holds their meetings, card parties, rummage sales and dinners at their facility.

Margot worked with Doc Bailey to develop a Home Health Program in cooperation with the Boone County Health Department.  This was a unique concept and one which was shared across the country by the Indiana State Department of Health.  BCSSI hired an RN to oversee the program four days a week and the county RN oversaw the program one day a week. Three Certified Nursing Assistants were employees of the county and provided the in-home personal care. Today, BCSSI handles the entire program and is licensed as a Personal Service Agency non-skilled personal care.

Volunteers were recruited to assist with providing information. Through a grant, a computer was purchased and one-on-one instruction was given. Margot eventually purchased the house at 403 N. Lebanon, and as the staff grew she moved into the larger space and rented the 2 rooms to an older adult.  Finally she connected the entire house by adding a front entry.

Margot was a visionary who saw a great need and knew the needs of the older adults would only expand.  She was tragically killed in an automobile accident in 2000, but the foundation she set into place was solid!

Margaret A. Corson, Founder & Executive Director, 1978 – 2000
Previous address and home
Then: 403 N Lebanon Street

Current address and building
Now: 515 CrownPointe Drive

Boone County Senior Services Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) organization which was established to build a fund from gifts and bequests so that BCSSI can continue serving older adults in our community.

Public funding of support services for older adults is on the decline. By the turn of the century private funding must provide an ever increasing share of the cost of meeting a growing level of needed services to the senior population of Boone County. The Foundation has been formed to provide a means by which concerned citizens can support these programs with Federal and State tax deductible dollars. It is the aim of the Foundation to aggregate these gifts which will generate income to support the work of BCSSI.  A tax deductible gift to the Foundation will ensure that these services can be continued in the future!

Through our Legacy Program, we are happy to assist you with your estate planning for gifting to the Foundation.  Through a Legacy gift, you can help ensure that our services remain available in the years to come and make a real impact on Boone County’s growing senior population!

Call us at 765-482-5220 or 317-873-8939 and ask to speak to a Sonya Shoup, Director of Development, or email sshoup@booneseniors.org.
Donation Resources

Foundation Brochure With Donation Form
Legacy Will Brochure
Making Gifts Through Your Retirement Accounts Brochure


Foundation Board Members:

  • Sharon Walker, President
  • Yvonne Baird
  • Don Barnett
  • Lynn Bogan
  • Todd Byrd
  • Kim Fortune
  • Baili Hart
  • Erin Herr
  • Dan Lamar
  • J.R. Mitchell
  • Paul Mohler
  • Dave Rusie
  • Troy Thompson
  • Karen Richards
  • Mike Young

Agency Board Members are elected for terms of three years with a maximum of 3 consecutive terms.
Responsibilities Include:

  • Commitment to the mission and goals of Boone County Senior Services, Inc.
  • Knowledge of BCSSI’s operations, services, and programs
  • Work to support programs
  • Preserve and promote the values, ideals, goals, and policies of the agency
  • Work on committees to accept and discharge specific responsibilities
  • Be constantly alert for opportunities to further the mission and goals of BCSSI

Board of Directors:

  • Zoe Farrow-President
  • Anita Bowen, Executive Director
  • Cathy Adams
  • Angie Caldwell
  • Sara Crew
  • Veronique Duprey
  • Jody Durham
  • Mary Grabianowski
  • Laurie Gross
  • Tre’ Hurst
  • Mary Johnson
  • Bonnie Klingler
  • Tami Richardson
  • Dave Rusie
  • Doug Shoemaker

Board Fundraising Events:

BCSSI Olympics

Boone County Senior Health & Wellness Expo

Holiday Silent Auction

  • Executive Director: Anita Bowen abowen@booneseniors.org
  • Director of Development: Sonya Shoup sshoup@booneseniors.org
  • Co-Director of Transportation: Stacie McQuern sboyer@booneseniors.org
  • Co-Director of Transportation: Susan Hodgdon shodgdon@booneseniors.org
  • Transportation Assistant: Robin Moffitt rmoffitt@booneseniors.org
  • Director of Personal Services: Cindy Hickson chickson@booneseniors.org
  • Asst. Director of Personal Services: Kelly Martin kmartin@booneseniors.org 
  • Director of Volunteers: Barb Carrell bcarrell@booneseniors.org
  • Director of Outreach: Jessica Evans jevans@booneseniors.org
  • Administrative Assistant: Jenny Lemen jlemen@booneseniors.org
  • Director of Finance: Lorrie Brehmer lbrehmer@booneseniors.org
  • BCSSI Affirmative Action Plan

    BCSSI building